What's New With Britney??

New Album: Oops!...I Did It Again...........
and much much more!

Yes you read right!!
Town officials in Kentwood, Louisiana, have approved the erection of a sign directing visitors to a museum dedicated to Britney....it should be in place by the end of 2000.


Eighty-five lucky kids from less-than-privileged backgrounds will be selected to participate in Britney's two-week long summer camp, which focuses on teaching and exposing the youth to performing arts - dancing, singing, getting their groove on. I sure wish I could go, it sounds like a lot of fun, and it's great to see Britney sharing some of her income by blessing those who normally wouldn't have a chance at an experience like this.


A new book about Britney Spears has been released called "Britney: Every Step of the Way". It has been written by Felicia Culotta who is Britney's assistant and helps to look after her. The book contains over 200 pictures from behind the scenes and can be purchased from your local book store for .


Ashley Bashioum of 'Young and the Restless' when asked what she felt about the teen pop craze in the latest issue of Soap Opera Weekly.. "I don't have anything against the music. It's cool and dance music. But I'm more into hip-hop and rap.. I really admire Britney Spears, even though some of the clothes she wears are revealing. I really admire her for how she's handled all her success."